Thinking bigger

At this time of year, hundreds of hopeful early career researchers around Australia are writing fellowship applications.   In many fellowship schemes, the funding rules allow applicants to request project expenses. But often, especially for those in the humanities, arts and social sciences, this presents a stumbling block: the type of research being proposed ‘doesn’t…

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Research impact: a security net in disguise

In my last post, I implored you to think about how you could have an impact on the wider non-academic public with your research. At this time of year, this issue has more relevance than you think. Let’s explore why this is, then look at some examples to get your imagination firing with ideas.  …

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Before/After: The role of the grant ‘architect’

I distinctly remember the end of major grant rounds this year. Right on cue, I developed a chest infection, and was up to my eyeballs in application reviews at work. And then suddenly, like a storm, the deadline for the last major scheme came – and went.   That night, thoroughly spent, I fell into…

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Research merits, Research money

In the transition from PhD student to aspiring postdoc, my mentor said something I’ll never forget: ‘your PhD isn’t a job ticket’. What she meant was: an attitude of entitlement to research funding, or an academic job, misses the point.   Over the years I’ve realised it’s one of the major mistakes newly-minted PhDs seeking…

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