Thinking about pursuing a postdoc career after you PhD? Get primed for the PhD afterlife…
Already an early or mid career researcher, but struggling with grant-writing (and winning)? Make the research dollars flow your way…
In an academic job and daunted by performance appraisals or the prospect of going for promotion? Watch yourself advance and be recognised…
Crushed by writing deadlines and expectations and think ‘there’s gotta be an easier way?’ Watch that track record grow and ‘writer’s angst’ subside…
Welcome to Postdoc Solutions, literally the home of solutions to challenges faced by people just like you – last-year PhD students, early-career postdocs and fellows, and mid-career academics.
If you’re facing a challenge (hmm…think job security, supervisor issues, no research funding, ambivalence about the academic ‘game’, or expectations that you’ll be a productivity machine…), you’re not alone.
We’ve got courses and coaching on hand to help get you back on track, or to excel in your role. Whatever you need and wherever you find yourself, Postdoc Solutions has got you covered.
So today marks the ‘official’ start of Spring. The season has connotations of renewal, rebirth….and a good spring clean. And here at Postdoc Solutions, we’ve been doing our own spring cleaning, looking over what’s working, what we can improve, what we’re going to let go of, and what we’d like to change. More on that…
Read MoreOne of the things participants in my courses notice is that I keep it ‘real’. I don’t portray life as a last-year PhD student or as a newly minted PhD graduate, or an early to mid career researcher, as a glamorous path, because it ain’t. It’s stressful, it’s exhausting, it’s anxiety-producing. And I help people…
Read MoreFrequently in my courses, participants ask me some variation of the following question: If I submit a proposal on topic x, will my grant be (more) likely to succeed than if I go with my current topic on y? It’s a burning question for many. The activities we do in these courses invite participants…
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