If you’re considering a research/academic career after your PhD, but are uncertain or full of doubt…
PhD2Postdoc clears the cobwebs about what lies ahead – and shows you how to get there.
Understand the post-PhD funding landscape and where you stand.

Take informed next steps and make targeted progress.
With tailored mentoring, strategic advice and a community to support you.
"I found [P2P] extraordinarily useful to gain insight into the value and opportunity of what I was doing. Also, just thinking about things in a different way helped me to clarify some of the things I'd been thinking about." - Course Participant
"I would absolutely recommend this course...it was very informative and useful for me to plan where I want to go Post PhD in terms of opportunities for research funding." - Course Participant
"Anna addressed my questions and concerns promptly and in great detail in P2P. She has a comprehensive understanding of the current academic environment and this added a high level of value to my experience in the program." - Course Participant

PhD2Postdoc gives you bonuses galore – from an online discussion group connecting you with other ECRs, to ongoing personal support and 1:1 advice, and fantastic resources that expose you to the wider research funding landscape (= more opportunities!).
And if you’re serious about a postdoc career, grab a 1:1 coaching session for a tailored plan to get where you want to go in your future career.
P2P is for you if you:
Are in your last year of your PhD, or are a recent PhD graduate
Are considering pursuing a research/academic career
Want to make smart, informed choices and decisions from the outset but not sure what to do first…or next
Need help - and some living, breathing people to talk to!
"I gained a lot of knowledge [from P2P] and leads to move forward with my research career." - Course Participant
"Whilst my work as a research officer has me involved in grant proposals and funding per se, it was issues around future career pathways that I was most interested in. PhD2Postdoc helped with focusing on career questions - and putting time aside to list what it was that I wanted in my career - and my future." - Course Participant
Join us!
PhD2Postdoc Course for Individuals
"The 1:1 coaching session was the most exciting and most helpful part of the course for me. I loved the scenario and directions the instructor [Anna] suggested about after-PhD time." - Course Participant
"I found the program extremely helpful!" - Course Participant
"The 1:1 coaching was the most valuable part of the program. I wished I'd recorded it!" - Course Participant
"I have to say that Anna's facilitation and coaching was the most beneficial aspect of this course - particularly the 1:1 coaching. We were able to discuss many of my questions quickly - and get to the heart of what it was I was searching for. I feel very grateful for Anna's insights, encouragement and assessment. I have developed a proposal for the project we discussed - and now have to put it into place. Very exciting." - Course Participant
"The 1:1 coaching was the best part of P2P for me. It was great to have the encouragement to discuss ideas and approach people who I wouldn't normally. Even supervisors, who I've usually only engaged with on official PhD business, I now have more confidence to discuss future grants and funding with them." - Course Participant
Frequently Asked Questions
If you are an individual PhD student you can enrol at any time by heading to the 'Get Started Now!' section below. If you are a University administrator interested in booking a group of seats, please contact us via our contact page and indicate when and how many seats you would like to book: https://postdocsolutionsonline.com/contact
Course access/registration is for 3 months. This time frame gives you a good chunk of time within which to easily complete the course (and prevent you feeling overwhelmed if you’ve got other commitments), AND a firm end date to motivate you! During your 3 month membership, you have complete flexibility and control over when you access the modules, when (and in what order) you undertake the course activities, and when you reach for support from our like-minded community.
The course is split into two audio modules, plus for those who opt-in, a 1hr 1:1 coaching session with P2P’s Advisor (scheduled at a mutually convenient time and conducted via Skype or phone). Module 1 (45 mins approx) is content based and you may wish to take notes, re-listen, or dip in and out of the module, depending on your schedule. Module 2 is activity based (4 activities in total) and will help you translate the theory into practice. You can take as much or as little time as you want to do these activities (but they are ones you’ll revisit again and again!).
Here’s a secret: everyone’s uncertain, ambivalent, or insecure about pursuing a postdoc/academic career these days. It’s precarious. It’s hard slog. It’s cut-throat. But there’s a saying: ‘clarity comes from engagement not thought’. Applied here, it means the only way you can get clear on whether a research career is for you is to take action towards it, not just think about or (over) analyse the idea. So it’s only from taking steps towards and investigating ‘the idea’ of a postdoc career that you’ll really get clear about whether this path is for you. Taking this mini-course is one simple but powerful step you can take to help you get that clarity.
There are several outcomes you can expect: 1) constructive feedback on your course homework, from how you pitch to the range of grant opportunities available to you; 2) an objective sounding board on specific issues concerning you about the post-PhD phase; and 3) a tailored set of next steps to help you get where you want to go next, post-PhD.
Get Started Now!
PhD2Postdoc Course for Individuals
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